Official Despatches Page002

Enclosure No. 1 in H.F. letter No. 1,396, dated 18th June 1916.
31st May.

At 10 p.m., the Second Battle Squadron, First Cruiser Squadron and remainder of the Eleventh Flotilla left Cromarty.

At 10 p.m., " Lion," First and Second Battle-Cruiser Squadrons, First, Second and Third Light-Cruiser Squadrons, '' Fearless " and nine boats of First Flotilla, " Champion " and ten of Thirteenth Flotilla, eight destroyers of Harwich force and " Engadine," left Rosyth.

Disposition of the Fleet during the early portion of 31st May.

31st May.

Disposition of the Scapa force at 6 a.m. on 31 May :—

Battle fleet in divisions, line ahead, disposed abeam to starboard, in the order—3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th (Fifth Organisation), screened by the Fourth and Twelfth Flotillas; Fourth Light Cruiser Squadron three miles ahead of First and Fourth Battle 
Squadrons ; Second Cruiser Squadron and four destroyers spread five miles apart ten miles ahead of the battle squadrons.
Battlefleet and Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron :—
The Scapa and Cromarty forces proceeded for the 2 p.m. rendezvous ordered by the Commander-in-Chief in latitude
57° 45' N., longitude 4° 15' E., but actually met at 11.15 a.m. in latitude 58°' 13' N., longitude 2° 42' E. The Rosyth force
proceeded for their 2 p.m. rendezvous in latitude 56° 40' N., longitude 5° E.

At 2 p.m. on 31 May, the " Dreadnought " battlefleet was in latitude 57° 57' N., longitude 3° 45' E., in Organisation No. 5, divisions in line ahead disposed abeam to starboard in the order 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, divisions screened by the Fourth Eleventh and Twelfth Flotillas ; Fourth Light-Cruiser Squadron three miles ahead of the battlefleet ; cruisers and destroyers sixteen miles ahead of the battlefleet, spread eight miles apart on a line of direction N. 40° E., and S. 40° W., in the order from East to West : 
" Cochrane," " Shannon," " Minotaur," (centre of " Defence," " Duke of Edinburgh " Black Prince "
" Hampshire," screen) " Warrior,"
attached cruisers on the flanks ; Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron "Chester " and "Canterbury" about twenty miles ahead;
the whole steering S. 50° E., zig-zagging, with a speed of advance of fourteen knots.

Battle-Cruiser Fleet and Fifth Battle Squadron :
At 2 p.m., in latitude 56° 46' N., longitude 4° 40' E., course N. by E., speed 19 knots.
Order :—
" Lion " and First Battle-Cruiser Squadron in singleline ahead, screened by " Champion " and ten destroyers of Thirteenth
Flotilla (" Nestor," " Nomad," " Narborough." " Obdurate," " Petard," " Plican," " Nerissa," " Onslow," " Moresby," " Nicator," " Turbulent," and " Termagant "). Second Battle-Cruiser Squadron in single line ahead, three miles E.N.E. of " Lion," screened by six destroyers of the Harwich force ("Lydiard," "Liberty," "Landrail," "Laurel," " Moorsom," and " Morris "). Fifth Battle Squadron, in single line ahead, five miles N.N.W. of " Lion," screened by " Fearless " and nine destroyers of First Flotilla ("Acheron," "Aerial," "Attack." "Hydra," "Beaver," "Goshawk," "Defender," "Lizard," and "Lapwing "). Light-Cruiser Squadrons forming a screen astern, eight miles S.S.E. from " Lion," ships spread on a line of direction E.N.E. and W.S.W., five miles apart, in the order from West to East : 
•' Southampton," " Nottingham," " Fahiiouth," " Birkenhead," " Inconstant," " Galatea," f ' Birmingham," " Dublin," " Gloucester," " Cordeha," " Phaeton."
" Engadine," seaplane carrier, was stationed between " Gloucester " and Cordelia." " Yarmouth " acted as linking ship between " Lion " and Light-Cruiser screen. 
The following is an extract from a report received from the Vice-Admiral Commanding Battle Cruiser Fleet, and explains clearly the course of the action until they joined forces with the battlefleet :
At 2.20 p.m. reports were received from " Galatea " indicating the presence of enemy vessels to the E.S.E., steering to the Northward. The direction of advance was immediately altered to 8.S.E., the course for Horn Reef, so as to place my force between the enemy and his base. " Galatea " reported at 2.35 p.m., that she had sighted a large amount of smoke as from a fleet, bearing E.N.E. This made it clear that the enemy was to the Northward and Eastward, and that it would be impossible for him to round the Horn Reef without being brought to action. Course was accordingly altered to the Eastward and North Eastward, the enemy being sighted at 3.31 p.m. They appeared to be the 1st Scouting group of five Battle-Cruisers.
After the first report of the enemy, the 1st and 3rd Light Cruiser Squadrons changed their direction and without waiting for orders spread to the East, thereby forming a screen in advance of the Battle Cruiser Squadrons and Fifth Battle Squadron by the time we had hauled up to the course of approach. They engaged enemy Light Cruisers at long range. In the meantime the
2nd Light Cruiser Squadron had come in at high speed and was able to take station ahead of the Battle Cruisers by the time we turned to E.S.E., the course on which we first engaged the enemy. In this respect the work of the Light Cruiser Squadrons was excellent and of great value.
From a report from " Galatea " at 2.25 p.m., it was evident that the enemy force was considerable and not merely an isolated
unit of Light Cruisers, so at 2.45 p.m. I ordered " Engadine " to send up a seaplane and scout to N.N.E. This order was carried
out very quickly, and by 3.8 p.m., a seaplane with light Lieutenant F. J. Rutland, R.N., as Pilot, and Asst. Paymaster
G. S. TreAvin, R.N., as Observer, was well under way; her first reports of the enemy were received in " Engadine " about 3.30
p.m. Owing to the clouds it was necessary to fly very low, and in order to identify four enemy Light Cruisers the seaplane
had to fly at a height of 900 ft., within 3,000 yards of them, the Light Cruisers opening fire on her with every gun that would bear. This in no way interfered with the clarity of their reports, and both Flight Lieutenant Rutland and Asst. Paymaster Trewin are to be congratulated on their achievement, which indicates that seaplanes under such circumstances are of distinct value. At. 3.30 p.m., I increased speed to 25 knots and formed line of battle, the Second Battle Cruiser Squadron forming astern of the First Battle Cruiser Squadron, with destroyers of the 13th and 9th Flotillas taking station ahead. I turned to E.8.E.. slightly converging on the enemy, who were now at a range of 23,000 yards, and formed the ships on a line of bearing to clear the smoke. The Fifth Battle Squadron, who had conformed to our movements, were now bearing N.N.W., 10,000 yards. The
visibility at this time was good, the sun behind us and the wind S.E. Being between the enemy and his base, our situation was
both tactically and strategically good.
At 3.48 p.m., the action commenced at a range of 18,500 yards, both forces opening fire practically simultaneously.
Both appeared to straddle the target early, and at 3.51 p.m., " Lion " received her first hit. Course was altered to the Southward, and subsequently at intervals, to confuse the enemy's fire control ; the mean direction was S.S.E., the enemy steering a parallel course distant about 18,000 to 14,500 yards. For the next ten minutes the firing of the enemy was very rapid and effective. " Lion " was hit repeatedly, the roof of " Q " turret being blown off at 4 p.m. Immediately afterwards " Indefatigable " was hit by three shots falling together. The shots appeared to hit the outer edge of the upper deck in line with
the after turret. An explosion followed, and she fell out of the line sinking by the stern. Hit again by another salvo near
" A " turret she turned over and disappeared.
At 4.8. p.m. the Fifth Battle Squadron came into action and opened fire at a range of 20,000 yards. The enemy's fire now seemed to slacken. It would appear that at this time we passed through a screen of enemy submarines. In evidence of
this a torpedo w^as sighted passing astern of " Lion " from star- board to port. The destroyer " Landrail " of 9th Flotilla,
W'ho was on our Port beam trying to take station ahead, sighted the periscope of a submarine on her Port quarter, and at the same time the track of a torpedo which passed under her and crossed the line of the Battle Cruisers between " Tiger " and " New Zealand." Though causing considerable inconvenience from smoke, the presence of " Lydiard " and " Landrail " undoubtedly
preserved the Battle Cruisers from closer submarine attack, " Nottingham " also reported a submarine on the Starboard
Eight destroyers of the 13th Flotilla, " Nestor," " Nomad," " Nicator," " Narborough," " Pelican," " Petard," " Obdurate,"
"Nerissa," with " Moorsom " and "Morris" of 10th Flotilla, " Turbulent " and " Termagant " of the 9th Flotilla, having
been ordered to attack the enemy with torpedoes when opportunity offered, moved out at 4.15 p.m. simultaneously with a similar movement on the part of the enemy. The attack was carried out in a most gallant manner and with great determination.
Before arriving at a favouable position to fire torpedoes, they intercepted an enemy force consisting of a Light Cruiser and 15
Destroyers. A fierce engagement ensued at close quarters, \\ith the result that the enemy were forced to retire on their Battle Cruisers, having lost two destroyers sunk, and having their tor- pedo attack frustrated. Our destroyers sustained no loss in this engagement, but their attack on the enemy Battle Cruisers was rendered less effective owing to some of the destroyers
having dropped astern during the fight. Their position was therefore unfavourable for torpedo attack.
" Nestor," " Nomad " and " Nicator," gallantly led by Commander The Hon. E. B. 8. Bingham, of " Nestor," pressed home their attack on the Battle Cruisers and fired two torpedoes
at them at a range of 6,000 and 5,000 yards, being subjected to a heavy fire from the enemy's secondary armament. " Nomad " was badly hit, and apparently remained stojjped between the lines. Subsequently " Nestor " and " Nicator " altered course
to the S.E., and in a short time the opposing Battle Cruisers, having turned 16 points, found themselves within close range
of a number of enemy battleships. Nothing daunted, though under a terrific fire, they stood on, and their position being
favourable for torpedo attack, fired a torpedo at the second ship of the enemy line at a range of 3,000 yards. Before they
could fire their fourth torpedo " Nestor " was badly hit, and swung to starboard, " Nicator " altering course inside her to avoid coUision, and thereby being prevented from firing the last torpedo. " Nicator " made good her escape, and subsequently rejoined the Captain (D), 13th Flotilla. " Nestor " remained stopped, but was afloat when last seen. " Moorsom "
also carried out an attack on the enemy's battle fleet. " Petard," " Nerissa," " Turbulent " and " Termagant " also pressed home their attack on the enemy battle-cruisers, firing torpedoes at a range of 7,000 yards after the engagement ^^dth enemy destroyers. " Petard " reports that all her torpedoes must have crossed the enemy's hne, while " Nerissa " states that one torpedo appeared to strike the rear ship. These destroyer attacks were indicative of the spirit pervading His ^lajesty's
Nav}^ and were worthy of its highest traditions. I propose to bring to your notice a recommendation of Commander Bingham
for the Victoria Cross, and other officers for some recognition of their conspicuous gallantry.
From 4.15 to 4.43 p.m., the conflict between the opposing Battle-Cruisers was of a very fierce and resolute character. The
Fifth Battle Squadi*on was engaging the enemy's rear ships, unfortunately at very long range. Our fire began to tell, the
accuracy and rapidity of that of the enemy depreciating considerably. At 4.18 p.m., the third enemy ship was seen to be on fire. The visibility to the North-Eastward had become considerably reduced, and the outhne of the ships very
indistinct. This, no doubt, was largely due to the constant
use of smoke balls or charges b}^ the enemy, under cover of which
they were continually altering course or zigzagging. At 4.2(i p.m., there was a violent explosion in " Queen
Mary " ; she was enveloped in clouds of grey smoke, and
disappeared. From the evidence of Captain Pelly, of " Tiger,"
who was in station astern, corroborated b}- Rear-Admiral Brock
in " Princess Royal " ahead, a salvo jntched abreast of " Q
turret, and almost instantaneously there was a terrific upheaval
and a dense cloud of smoke through which " Tiger " passed
barely 30 seconds afterwards. No sign could be seen of " Queen
Mary." Eighteen of her officers and men were subsequently
picked up by " Laurel."
At 4.38 p.m., " Southampton " reported the enemy's Battlefleet ahead. The destroyers were recalled, and at 4.42 p.m.
the enemy's battlefieet was sighted S.E. Course was altered
16 j)oints in succession to starboard, and I proceeded on a Northerly course to lead them towards the Grand Fleet. The
enemy Battle-cruisers altered course shortly afterwards, and
the action continued. " Southampton," with the Second Light
Cruiser Squadron, held on to the Southward to observe. Thej^
closed to within 13,000 yards of the enemy battlefieet, and came
under a very heavy but ineffective fire. " Southampton's " reports were most valuable. The Fifth Battle Squadron were now closing on an opposite course, and engaging the enemy
battle-cruisers with all guns. The position of the enemy
battlefieet was communicated to them, and I ordered them to
alter course 16 points. Led by Rear-Admiral Hugh Evan
Thomas, M.V.O., in " Barham," this Squadron supported us
brilHantly and effectively.
At 4.57 ]i.m., the Fifth Battle Squadron turned up astern
of me and came under the fire of the leading ships of the enemy
battlefieet. " Fearless," with the destroyers of the First Flotilla joined the Battle-cruisers and, when speed admitted, took
station ahead. " Champion " with 13th Flotilla took station on the Fifth Battle Squadron. At 5.0 p.m., the First and Third
Light-Cruiser Squadrons, which had been following me on the
Southerly Course, took station on my starboard bow; the
Second Light-cruiser Squadron took station on my port quarter.
The Aveather conditions now became unfavoiu*able, our ships
being silhouetted against a clear horizon to the westward, while
the enemy were for the most part obscured by mist, only sho\^dng
up clearly at intervals. These conditions prevailed until AAe had turned their van at about 6.0 p.m. Between 5.0 and 6.0 p.m.,
the action continued on a Northerly course, the range being
about 14,000 yards. During this time the enemy received very
severe punishment, and undoubtedly one of their Battle-cruisers
quitted the line in a considerably damaged condition. This came under my personal observation, and was corroborated by
" Princess Royal " and " Tiger." Other enemy ships also showed signs of increasing injury. At 5.5. p.m., " Onslow " and " Moresby," who had been detached to assist " Engadine,"
with the seai)lane, rejoined the Battle-cruiser Squadrons and took station on the starboard (engaged) bow of " Lion." At
5.10 p.m., " Moresby," being 2 points before the beam of the
leading enemy ship at a range of 6,000 to 8,000 yards, fired a
long range torpedo at the third in their Hne. Eight minutes
later she observed a hit with a torpedo on what she judged to be the sixth ship in the line. Later analysis of the director
setting indicated a probability of this result. " Moresby
then passed between the hnes to clear the range of smoke and
rejoined "' Champion." In corroboration of this " Fearless " reports having seen an enemy heavy ship heavily on fire at about
5.10 p.m., and shortly afterwards a huge cloud of smoke and
steam, similar to that which accompanied the blowing up of " Queen Mary " and " Indefatigable."
At 5.35 p.m. our course was N.N.E., and the estimated
position of the Grand Fleet was N. 16 W., so we gradually hauled
to the North Eastward, keeping the range of the enemy at 14,000 j'ards. He was gradually hauling to the Eastward,
receiving severe punishment at the head of his line, and probabl}^
acting on information received from his Light-Cruisers which
had sighted and were engaged wdth the Third Battle-Cruiser
Squadron {vide " Indomitable's " report). Possibly Zeppelins were present also. At 5.50 p.m., British Cruisers were sighted on the port bow, and at 5.56 p.m., the leading battleships of the Grand Fleet bearing North 5 miles. I thereupon altered course to East and proceeded at utmost speed. This brought
the range of the enemy down to 12,000 yards. I made a visual
report to the Commander-in-Chief that the enemy Battle-Cruisers
bore South East. At this time only three of the enemy BattleCruisers were visible, closely followed by battleships of the
" Konig " class. At about 6.5 p.m., " Onslow," being on the engaged bow of
'' Lion," sighted an enemy Light-Cruiser at a distance of 6,000 yards from us, apparently endeavouring to attack with
torpedoes. " Onslow " at once closed and engaged her, firing
58 rounds at a range of from 4,000 to 2,000 yards, scoring a number of hits. " Onslow " then closed to within 8,000 yards
of the enemy Battle-Cruisers, and orders were given for all torpedoes to be fired. At this moment she was truck amidships
by a heavy shell, with the result that only one torpedo was
fired. Thinking that all his torpedoes had gone, the Commanding
Ofificer proceeded to retire at slow speed. Being informed that
he still had three torpedoes, he closed the Light-Cruiser previously
engaged and torpedoed her. The enemy's Battle-Fleet was
'then sighted at a distance of 8,000 yards, and the remaining
torpedoes were fired at them ; having started correctly, they must
have crossed the enemy's track. Damage in her feed tank
then caused " Onslow " to stop. 

General Position.
At 5 p.m., the position of affairs was as follows :—
" Iron Duke's " position :
latitude 57° 24' N.,
longitude 5° 12' E., course S.E. by S. speed 20 knots,
in company with the main battlefleet force, cruisers spread,
destroyers screening. " Lion's " position (to " Iron Duke's " reckoning) :
lat. 56° 42' N.,
long. 5° 44' E., course N.N.W.,
speed 25 knots,
in company with the Fifth Battle Squadron and First and Second
Battle-Cruiser Squadrons. Enemy battle-cruisers bearing from
"Lion" approximately E.S.E. seven miles; enemy battlefleet from " Barham " about S.S.E. nine miles.
Weather Conditions.
Up to 6 p.m. the weather conditions were wholly in favour
of the enemy. The horizon to the eastward was entirely
obscured by haze, and from the Fifth Battle Squadron when
engaging enemy battleships and battle-cruisers only the flashes
of the enemy guns could be made out. On the other hand, a
strong light to the westward enabled the British sliips to be
distinguished clearly by the enemy.
This is indicated by the photograph^ enclosed, taken from
" Malaya " by Midshipman Gerald W. Norman. The photograph was taken at about 5.15 p.m. towards the western horizon, the
enemy at the same time being to the eastward. Our destroyers
shown silhouetted against the bright horizon were at least eight
miles distant. The splashes seen in the photograph are from
*' overs " fired at " Malaya " by the enemy's battlefleet.
Movements of the Fifth Battle Squadron.
At 3.30 p.m., when the Battle-Cruiser Fleet formed line of battle, the Fifth Battle Squadron, consisting of " Barham,'"
" Valiant," " Warspite " and " Malaya," in single line in the
order named, were five miles from the Battle-Cruiser Fleet,
bearing from them N.N.W. and conforming to their movements.
At 3.56 p.m. fire was opened at some enemy hght-cruisers
before the port beam steering about S.S.E. After two or three
salvoes these enemy hght-cruisers turned away eight points
and disappeared out of sight.
At 4.02 p.m. the British battle-cruisers altered course gradually to the south-eastward, the enemy battle-cruisers also turned to the south-eastward. This turn enabled the Fifth Battle Squadron to gain, and at 4.06 fire was opened by pairs, concentrating on the two rear ships at a range of approximately 18,000 yards.
At 4.21 p.m. the enemy battle-cruisers opened fire on the
Fifth Battle Squadron, " Barham " being hit shortly after. At 4.40 p.m., by which time the Fifth Battle Squadron was
heavily engaged with the enemy battle-cruisers, enemy destroyers were observed to be attacking, and were driven off by our lightcruisers and destroyers attached to the Battle-Cruiser Fleet. The squadron was turned away by Preparative-flag, and torpedoes were observed to cross the line, one ahead and one astern of " Vahant."
At 4.50 p.m. our battle-cruisers, having previously turned
to the northward, crossed the line of fire. At 4.53 the Fifth Battle Squadron turned sixteen points to starboard in succession by signal from the " Lion " (the enemy
battle-cruisers having also turned to the northward).
At 4.55 the enemy's battlefleet was sighted, bearing S.S.E.,
steering to the Northward, distant about 17,000 yards.
" Barham " and " Valiant " continued to engage the enemjBattle-Cruisers while " Warspite and " Malaya " fired at the
head of the enemy's battlefleet. At about 5.25 p.m., the squadron increased to full speed.
During this period the light was very much in favour of the
enemy and firing from the Fifth Battle Squadron was very
intermittent, whereas a heavy but ineffective fire was received
from the leading enemy battleships.
At 6.06 p.m., " Marlborough " was sighted, and the Fifth
Battle Squadron turned to form astern of the line at 6.18 p.m.
Up to this time " Barham " had been hit six times by battlecruisers, " Vahant " was not hit. " Warspite " had been hit twice by either battle-cruisers or battleships. " Malaya " had
been hit seven times aU by battleshi23s.
Progress of the Action.
Continuous reports were received in " Iron Duke " of the
above reported movements. The Fleet was informed that the
enemy battlefleet was coming North, and a wireless signal made
to the Admiralty that a fleet action was imminent.
Movements of the Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron.
Turning now to the movements of the Third Battle-Cruiser
Squadron. This squadron was originally stationed twenty miles
ahead of the battlefleet, " Chester " (Captain Robert N. Lawson)
acting as linking ship between the squadron and the cruiser
line, " Canterbury " (Captain Percy M. Royds) being abreast
of the squadron.
At 4..") p.m.. the Commander-in-Chief ordered the RearAdiniral ( "ouiiiiaiKling. Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron, to support
the battle-cruiser fleet in action sixty miles to the soutlnvard in
l)osition latitude 56° 53' N., longitude 5° 33' E., the RearAdmiral being informed that the enemy's course was reported
to ))e H. 55° E., at 3.50 p.m. The Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron
was at the time to the eastward, having turned to intercept the
eneni}^ vessels reported by the First Light-Cruiser Squadron at
2.45 p.m., as steering North from position latitude 56° 52' N.,
longitude 5° 35' E. The Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron altered course to S. by E. and worked u}) to full speed.
At 5.30 p.m., " Chester," which was five miles X. Hr W. of the Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron, reported to " Invincible '* by
searchlight that she had heard firing and seen flashes of gunfire
to the southwestward and turned to investigate. At 5. 30 p.m.,
" Chester " observed a three-funnelled enemy light -cruiser with
destroyers. An engagement ensued at about 6,000 yards, the
enemy being reinforced by two, or possibly three, more light- cruisers. " Chester " turned to N.E., chased by the enemy
ships, which had obtained the range and were inflicting considerable damage on her. At 5.40 p.m., the Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron, which until
then had been steering about S. by E. sighted enemy cruisers to the westward and turned to about W.N.W. It is apparent that
the Rear-xA.dmiral Commanding, Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron, was misled by the difterence in reckoning between the l)attlefleet
and battle-cruiser fleet and had gone too far to the eastward,
actually crossing ahead of the two engaged battle-cruiser
squadrons until meeting the enemy advanced cruisers. At
5.52 p.m., the Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron and " Canterbury " engaged three enemy light-cruisers which were then administering
heavy punishment to " Chester," " Shark " (Commander L. W.
Jones), " Acasta " (Lieutenant-Commander J. 0. Barron),
" Opheha " (Commander L. G. E. Crabbe) and " Christopher " Lieutenant-Commander F. M. Kerr), and at 6 p.m., one of the
enemy light-cruisers was observed by all three ships of tlie Third
Battle-Cruiser Squadron to blow up. During the engagement,
" Shark " was sunk, and " Acasta " severely damaged.
At about 6.10 p.m., the Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron
sighted the battle-cruiser fleet, and at 6.21 p.m., took station
ahead of the Vice-Admiral Commanding, Battle-Cruiser Fleet,
in " Lion," the " Chester " then taking station astern of the
Second Cruiser Squadron and remaining with that squadron for the night.
On taking station ahead of " Lion," the Third Battle-Cruiser
Squadron engaged the enemy's leading battle-cruiser, which
vessel returned the Are, and at 6.36 p.m. " Invincible "* (Captain
Arthur L. Cay, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral the Hon. Horace
L. A. Hood) blew up. The cause was possibly the same as that
suggested in the case of " Indefatigable." " Lion," proceeding at full speed, drew ahead, the Vice-Admiral, ordering the Third
Battle-Cruiser Squadron to take station astern of his line.
Disposition and Movements of the British Battlefleet and Cruiser Squadrons.
At 5.4 p.m., the attached cruisers were ordered to take up
approach stations.
The cruiser line at this time was sixteen miles aliead of the
battlefleet, the ships being stationed from port to star)ward as follows :
Cochrane," '•' Shannon," "Minotaur," "Defence," " Duke of Edinburgh," " Black Prince "
" Warrior,"
" Hampshire " (linking ship).
cruisers in the screen being eight miles ajjart, centre of the screen bearing S.E. by S. At 5.40 p.m., heavy firing was heard ahead by " Minotaiu-,
and soon afterwards ships were seen in the mist and were
challenged by " Minotaur." " Cochrane " and " Shannon "' were recalled by the Rear-Admiral Commanding, Second Cruiser
Squadron, and formed into line, the signal being made to engage
the enemy. The conditions were exceedingly difficult for making
out ships, but the strange vessels on replying to the cliallenge were ascertained to be the Third Battle-Cruiser Squadron (RearAdmiral the Hon. Horace L. A. Hood).
At 5.52 p.m., Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Arbuthnot, in " Defence," signalled that the battlefleets would shortly be
e.igaged. Rear-Admiral Herbert L. Heath, in '' Minotaur,"
with the Second Cruiser Squadron, made a sweep to the eastward
to ensure that no enemy minelayers were at work in that
direction, and proceeded to take up deployment station two
points on the engaged van of the battlefleet, being joined there
by " Duke of Edinburgh " at 7.17 p.m.
At 5.50 p.m., the cruisers on the right flank of the cruiser
line had come in contact with the enemy cruisers. A large
three-funnelled enemy light-cruiser was engaged and disabled by
' Defence " and " Warrior." She drifted down between the
lines, being fired on by the battlefleet, and was subsequently seen
to sink by several independent observers. " Defence " and " Warrior " of the First Cruiser Sciuadron,
which vessels had turned to starboard during the engagement
with the hght-cruisers, passed between our own and the enemy
battle-cruisers and battlefleet, and the two ships found themselves within comparatively short range of the enemy's heavy
ships. At 6.16 p.m., " Defence " was observed to be heavily
hit and blew up ; " Warrior " was badly hit and disabled, but
reached the rear of the battlefleet and was taken in tow by
" Engadine." It is probable that Rear-Admiral Sir Robert
Arbuthnot did not realise the proximity of the German battlefleet, and coming across it at short range in the mist was unable
to extricate his squadron before his flagship was sunk and the
" Warrior " disabled.
Arrival of the Battlefleet. 
At 5.45 p.m., " Comus " (Captain Alan G. Hotham), of the
Fourth Light-Cruiser Squadron, then three miles ahead of the
battlefleet, reported that heavy gunfiring was heard from a
direction south. The flashes of guns were shortly afterwards
observed S.S.W., and at 5.56 p.m., some vessels, subsequently
seen to be the British battle-cruisers, were seen bearing S.S.W.
from " Marlborough," steering E., heavily engaged with an
unseen enemy.
At 6.0 p.m., " Iron Duke's " position was latitude 57° 11' N.,
longitude 5° 39' E., course S.E. by S., speed twenty knots;
battlefleet in divisions in line ahead disposed abeam to starboard (Organisation No. 5), columns eleven cables apart.
It Avas apparent on meeting that the reckoning of the battle- cruiser fleet was about twelve miles to the eastward of " Iron
Duke's " reckoning. In consequence of this the enemy were
sighted on the starboard bow instead of ahead, and some
twenty minutes earlier than was anticipated.
At 6 p.m., the Vice-Admiral Commanding, Battle-Cruiser
Fleet, reported enemy battle-cruisers bearing S.E., and at
6. 14 p.m., in reply to a signal, he rej)orted the enemy battlefleet in sight, bearing S.S.W.
Owing to the uncertainty as to the position of the enemy
battlefleet, it had not been possible to redispose the guides of columns on anj' different bearing. Consequently, the dej^loyment was carried out under some disadvantage, and, indeed, it Avas not easy to determine the correct direction of deployment until
the battlefleets were almost in contact. At this stage it was not clear whether the enemy battlefleet was ahead of our Ijattlefleet or on the starboard beam, as heavy
firing was proceeding from ahead to the starboard beam and the
cruisers ahead were seen to be hotly engaged. In order to take
ground to starboard a signal was made at 6.2 p.m., to alter course by 9 pendant to South, but it was then reahsed that the
enemy battlefleet must be in close proximity, either ahead or on
the starboard side, and the fleet was turned back by 9 pendant
to S.E. preparatory to deployment to port.
The Flotillas were directed to take up destroyer disposition
No. 1 at 6.8 p.m.
At 6.16 p.m., line of battle was formed by the main battlefleet by Equal Speed pendant on the port wing division ; course
S.E. by E. Speed had been reduced at 6.02 p.m., to eighteen
knots to admit of shi])s closing up, and it was further reduced to fourteen knots on deployment to allow the battle-cruisers, which
were before the starboard beam, to pass ahead.
The Rear-Admiral Commanding, Fifth Battle Squadron,
having sighted " Marlborough " at 6.6 p.m., and other ships of the fifth and sixth divisions at 6.19 p.m., turned his squadron to port at 6.20 p.m., to form astern of the sixth division. During
this turn the ships of the Fifth Battle Squadron came under a heavy fire from the enemy's leading battleships, but the shooting was not good and few hits were made. At this time " Warspite's " helm unfortunately jammed, causing her to continue to turn towards the enemy's battlefleet. By good handling,
although hit several times, " Warspite " was enabled to get
away to the northward. The Rear-Admiral Commanding,
Fifth Battle Squadron, subsequently ordered her to proceed to Rosyth on receipt of a report of her damage. By 6.30 p.m.,
the Fifth Battle Squadron (less " Warspite "), was formed astern
of " Agincourt " in the battle Hne. At 6.33 p.m., speed was increased to seventeen knots, which
speed was maintained until the Fleet left the scene for its bases on 1st June. Enclosure No. III. shows the order of the battlefleet,
etc., at 6.40 p.m.
Battlefleet Action.
The First Battle Squadron, at the rear of the battle hne
and the furthest to the westward during deployment, came into
action almost immediately the deployment signal had been
hauled down. At 6.15 p.m., a salvo pitched short of and over
the forecastle of " Hercules," deluging the bridge and conning
tower with water. The enemy at this time were made out by
our rear ships to be in single hne, steering to the eastward, their
battle-cruisers leading, followed by four " Konigs," four or five " Kaisers " and four " Helgolands," the remainder of the hne
being invisible owing to the large overlap we had established,
and to the converging course. " Marlborough " and her division
opened fire at 6.17 p.m. on one of the " Kaiser " class. " Hercules " opened fire at 6.20 p.m. on the second " Kaiser." " Colossus " and her division opened fire at 6.30. The practice from the
First Battle Squadron was very satisfactory under the conditions
and severe punishment was administered to the enemy. " Marlborough " continued her fire with great success even after the
ship had assumed a considerable hst after being torpedoed;
" Agincourt's " powerful armament was used with good effect,
and other ships were also observed to be scoring frequent hits. " Iron Duke " opened fire at 6.23 p.m. at a three-funnelled
Hght-cruiser passing down the hne. This cruiser was engaged
by other ships, was heavily hit, and was observed to sink by
several eye-mtnesses at the end of the hne.
At 6.25 p.m. " Falmouth " and " Yarmouth " of the Third
Light-Cruiser Squadron, stationed on the starboard bow of " Lion " fired torpedoes at the leading enemy battle-cruiser. The Third Light-Cruiser Squadron then attacked the enemy
ships with gunfire.
The battle-cruisers were well ahead by 6.30 p.m. and had
reduced to eighteen knots, gradually closing the enemy van and
concentrating a heavy fire on the leading ship.  At 6.30 " Iron Duke " shifted her fire to the leading battle- ship (one of the " Konig " class) bearing S.W., range 11,000 yards,
and hit her several times in the third and fourth salvoes at
6.33 p.m. The remainder of the third divi.sion also opened fire on the leading enemy battleships of '' Konig " class. " Benbow " and the fourth division opened fire at 6.30 p.m., and
" Orion " and certain ships of the Second Battle Squadron also opened fire at this time on the rear enemy l^attle-cruisers and
leading battleships. At 6.40 p.m. the second " Konig " was
seen to be heavil}^ hit and to be ablaze fore and aft, then to turn 16 points to starboard, the original third ship passing her. The ship then settled by the stern and was observed to blow
up by independent witnesses in " Thunderer," " Benbow,"
" Barham," " Marne," " Morning Star," and " Magic," at
6.50 p.m.
At this time the visibility was about 12,000 yards, and for ranges about 9,000 yards. The light was, however, extremely
baffling, partly due to misty clouds appearing and dissolving,
and partly due to layers of smoke from funnels and ships firing.
The direction of the wind was W.S.W., force 2. At 6.55 p.m. the course of the Fleet was altered by divisions to south, conforming to the movements of the battle-cruiser
squadrons and with a view to closing the enemy.
Firing was general in the battlefleet, but the use of distribution of gunfire signals was out of the question, only three or four ships being in sight at a time from the van and centre,
although more were visible from the rear. Ships fired at what
they could see, while they could see it. Hitting had by this time become general.
At 6.54, the Vice-Admiral Commanding, First Battle Squadton, in " Marlborough," reported that his flagship had been
struck by a torpedo or mine. Later evidence pointed to it being a torpedo, possibly discharged from a submarine. This
is supported by the report of " Revenge." Officers in the
transmitting station, " A " and " Y " shell rooms, the director
tower and spotting tower all felt a shock as if the ship had
struck something. A few minutes after the " Marlborough " was
torpedoed. A large patch of oil, with an upheaval in the middle
and portions of wreckage, came to the surface. " Revenge," on
seeing " Marlborough " struck, had hauled out of the line to port about a cable and probably struck and sank a submarine.
At this time the destroyer " Acasta " was passed in a disabled
condition. She signalled that she was holed fore and aft and
unable to move her engines. In spite of her condition her
ship's company were observed to be cheering as the battlefleet passed.
At 6.55 p.m. " Iron Duke " passed the wreckage of " Invincible." The sliip was spUt in two, the bow and stern standing
out of the water, the centre part resting apparently on tlic bottom. The position of the wreck was latitude 57° 6' N.,
longitude 5°02' E. " Badger " was picking up survivors.
In order to guard against the risk of secret documents being
recovered by the enemy sliould the position of the wreck be
located by remaining above water, a submarine was sent from
BIyth to search for and if necessary, sink the wreck. She was
unable to find it, and there is no doubt that the vessel sank.
At 7.10 p.m. " Marlborough " and several other ships were
firing at the second of the three of the remaining " Konig "
class ("Marlborough" fired fourteen salvoes). At 7.18 a ship
turned out of the line very low in the water aft and sinking.
An Officer in the torpedo control tower in ' Colossus " saw this ship sink at 7.30 p.m., his evidence being confirmed by " Benbow,"
" Superb," " Colossus," and " Malaya."
At 7.12 p.m. enemy battle-cruisers also emerged from the
mist at 10,000 yards range on the starboard beam of the
" Colossus " division, which opened fire on them. A ship of the " Derffiinger " class was observed to be hit several times
by " Colossus " and " Neptune," and listed over and passed
out of sight obscured by heavy smoke and mist. " Colossus " was hit, but only suffered triffing damage. At the same time a
ship of the " Seydfitz " class was also fired at and hit by
" ColHngwood." " Revenge " also fired at and hit a battle- cruiser supposed to be " Von Der Tann," which then turned
Attacks by Enemy Flotilla on Battlefleet. 
At about 7.10 p.m. a flotilla of enemy destroyers supported
by a cruiser was seen approaching " Iron Duke," bearing from
" Iron Duke " S. 50° W. (60° green). The Fleet was turned
away two points by the " Preparative " and subsequently
another two points, fire being opened on the flotilla with
4-in,, 6-in., and turret guns at a range of about 10,000 to 8,000
yards. When at about 8,000 yards range, the 'destroyers fired their torpedoes, turning towards the rear of their line and dis- appearing in a smoke screen. No torpedoes hit. One destroyer was observed to sink. At about 7.25 p.m. another enemy's destroyer attack was
observed approaching the rear of the battle line from a bearing
about 120° green, 9,000 yards from " Iron Duke," and was
heavily engaged by the four rear divisions of the battlefleet and Fifth Battle squadron. The Eleventh Flotilla and Fourth
Light-Cruiser Squadron had advanced to counter the former
enemy destroyer attack and were in a favourable position to counter the second attack during which at 7.22 p.m. they sank an enemy destroyer. They were recalled at 7.40 p.m. In
addition, the third destroyer from the left was observed to sink,
and the left-hand one to be struck and turned bottom upapproximately at 7.35 p.m. At 7.45 p.m. a division of the
Twelfth Flotilla, consisting of " Obedient," " Mindful," " Marvel,"
and " Onslaught," proceeded to attack, and sink an enemy *' V "-class destroyer flying a Commodore's pendant near the
rear of the Fifth Battle Squadron.
Line had again been formed at 7.33 p.m. on a S. by W. course and at 7.41 p.m. course was altered to the S.W.
PAt 7.30 p.m. the Second Light-Cruiser Squadron, having
previously turned towards the German line to keep in touch with
the enemy's rear, observed the enemy alter course to S. by W.
At 8.30 " Southampton " and " Dublin " attacked an enemy
destroyer and hit her heavily amidships. She was shortly
afterwards seen to sink. At 8 p.m. firing had practically ceased except towards the
rear of the line, where some of the ships of the First and Fifth
Battle Squadrons were still engaged.
Whilst the battlefleet had been turned away from enemy
torpedo attacks, the Vice-Admiral Commanding, Battle-Cruiser
Fleet, had continued engaging the head of the enemy line,
gradually hauling round to S.W. by S. and then S.W. to keep in touch. At 7.32 p.m. " Lion's " course was S.W., speed eighteen
knots, the leading enemy battleship bearing N.W. by W. The
battle-cruiser fleet were inflicting considerable punishment on
the enemy, so much so that the enemy torpedo-boat destroyers were called upon to cover the capital ships by emitting volumes
of grey smoke. Under cover of this smoke, the enemy were
lost sight of at 7.45 p.m.
At 7.58 p.m. the Vice-Admiral Commanding Battle-Cruiser
Fleet ordered the First and Third Light-Cruiser Squadrons to sweep to the westward and locate the head of the enemy's line. The British battlefleet also turned to the westward.
At 8.30 p.m. the Vice-Admiral Commanding, Battle-Cruiser
Fleet, again sighted the enemy and engaged the leading enemy
battle-cruiser at a range of 10,000 yards—only two were sighted.
This battle-cruiser was struck by two salvoes and burst into flames
and smoke. Heavy explosions took place on board and the
ship turned away with a heavy list. " Princess Royal " set
fire to a three-funnelled battleship. " New Zealand " and
" Indomitable " report that the third ship of the Une which they
engaged heeled over and was on fire. The enemy was last seen by " Falmouth " steaming to the westward.
At 8.40 p.m. all battle-cruisers felt a heavy shock, as if struck by a mine, torpedo, or sunken wreckage. It seems probable
that, in view of the condition in which the enemy were last seen the shock indicated the blowing up of one of their heavy vessels.
Night Disposition.
Darkness was now rapidly setting in, the mist was increasing
and it became necessary to decide on the future course of action.
The British Fleet was between the enemy and his base. Each
side possessed a considerable number of destroyers, it being
most probable that the enemy was largely superior in this respect,
in numbers, as it was logical to assume that every available torpedo-boat destroyer and torpedo-boat had been ordered out
as soon as contact between the fleets became probable.
I rejected at once the idea of a night action between the
heavy ships, as leading to possible disaster owing, first, to the
presence of torpedo craft in such large numbers, and, secondly,
to the impossibility of distinguishing between our own and
enemy vessels. Further, the result of a night action under
modern conditions must always be very largely a matter of
jDure chance. I was loth to forego the advantage of position,
which would have resulted from an easterly or westerly course, and I therefore decided to steer to the southw^ard, where I should
be in a position to renew the engagement at dayhght, and should
also be favourably placed to intercept the enemy should he make
for his base by steering for HeHgoland or toward^ the Ems and
thence along the north German coast. Further, such a course enabled me to drop my destroyer
flotillas astern, thus at one and the same time providing the
battlefleet with a screen against attack by torpedo craft at night,
and also giving our flotillas an opportunity for attacking the
enemy's heavy ships should they also be proceeding to the
southward vnih the object of regaining their bases.
Accordingly, at 9 p.m., the fleet was turned by divisions to south (speed seventeen knots) the second organisation being
assumed, and the fleet formed in divisions hne ahead disposed
abeam to port, columns one mile apart, the object of the close formation being that the divisions should remain clearly in
sight of each other during the night, in order to prevent ships
mistaking each other for enemy vessels. At 9.24 p.m., the Vice-Admiral Commanding, Battle-Cruiser
Fleet, in latitude 56° 29' N., longitude 5° 27' E., turned to south.
At 9.27 p.m., the destroyer flotillas were ordered to take station
five miles astern of the battlefleet. At 9.32 p.m., " Abdiel " was directed to lay mines in wide
zig-zags from a position fifteen miles 215° from the Vyl hghtvessel in a mean direction 180°, ten mines to the mile. This
operation was successfully accomplished without observation,
and " Abdiel " then proceeded to Rosyth to replenish with
At 10 p.m., " Iron Duke's " position was :
latitude, 56° 22' N.,
longitude, 5° 47' E., course, south,
speed, 17 knots,
the order of the fleet from west to east being as follows :
Battle-Cruiser Fleet;
Cruiser Squadrons
Battlefleet (in divisions, disposed abeam to port, columns
one mile apart, in Organisation No. 2) ; First Light-Cruiser Squadron four miles one point before
the starboard beam of the Battle-Cruiser Fleet;
Second Light-Cruiser Squadron astern of the Fifth Battle
Squadron and Second Battle Squadron
Third Liglit-Cruisor Squadron on starboard bow of the
Battle-Cruiser Fleet:
Fourtli Light-Cruiser Squadron ahead of the Battlefleet;
Destroyer Flotillas—five miles astern of the Battlefleet in the order, west to east—Eleventh, Fourth, Twelfth,
Ninth,! Tenth,! Thirteenth.
At 10.20 p.m., the Second Light-Cruiser Squadron engaged
five enemy ships, apparentl}^ a cruiser and four light-cruisers,
which concentrated on " Southampton " and " DubHn " and
severely damaged both of them. The enemy, however, were
beaten off. No enemy ship was seen by the battlefleet during the night,
except by " Active " astern of the Second Battle Squadron.
Firing was heard astern, searchlights were seen in use, and a
fair number of star shells were fired by the enemy, which gave
out a brilliant illumination, and it was evident that our destroyer
flotillas and light-cruiser squadrons were in action.
From reports received subsequently it is fairly certain that
the German battlefleet and battle-cruisers crossed astern of the
British battlefleet and made for the Horn Reef channel. In
crossing the rear of the British battle line, the enemy fleet came
in contact with the British flotillas, which seized the opportunity
to deliver a series of brilliant and gallant attacks. The estimated
course of the enemy fleet was S.E. | E., and the estimated time
of the last battle squadron passing the Horn Reef light-vessel
abeam, eighteen miles distant, was 3.45 a.m. Submarine E55, on the bottom to the west of the Horn Reef light-vessel, heard
eleven explosions between 2.15 and 5.30 a.m. on the 1st June.
The estimated time of the last of the enemy's heavy ships
passing over " Abdiel's " minefield is 5 a.m.
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